
Dad made me a perfect fitting for my camera tripod to be transformed into an ultra portable and flexible easel for plein air painting and urban sketching. I painted the picture below on the farm (Silvermere), looking down the road. Mom faced the other direction to paint the sunset. There was a fierce wind to contend with too.

Metal Fitting for Camera Tripod Painting Easel

Fitting for Camera Tripod onto a Painting board for an EaselYou can see how it was made with the metal plate attaching to the tripod and the board. Very simple idea which I first noticed the artists at the Hudson River Fellowship gathering made use of. There are some good posts up on the Grand Central Academy blog. My Dad also made me a box, but I’ll post that up when I’ve made some good use of it.

Below is the tripod easel in action and me racing against time as the sun hurridly made its exit.


Plein Air Painting with a Camera Tripod Easel